Reitturnier OÖ, Viechtwang 2024

  • pin OÖ, Viechtwang

Saturday (10 August 2024)

time no. discipline winner
08:00 1/0
08:30 2/0
Julia Breiteneder

Gentleman Jack

09:05 3/1
Dressurprüfung Kl. A

Laura Herzog

Daktylus GW

09:40 3/2
Dressurprüfung Kl. A

Claudia Huber

Fizzers Fritz

10:05 4/1
Dressurprüfung Kl. L

10:38 4/2
Dressurprüfung Kl. L

Magdalena Reiter

Double Chocolate

12:45 9/0
Dressurprüfung Kl. L P 6

Sarah Lanschützer

Wallander 2

13:20 10/0
Noriker Dressurprüfung

Maria Dick

Lilly 137

13:45 11/0
Noriker Dressurprüfung

Nicole Feichtenschlager

Lucky Vulkan Xviii

14:20 12/0
Noriker Dressurprüfung

Elisabeth Mayrhuber

Gigant Diamant XVIII 2

15:40 14/1
First Ridden

Pia-lotte Fürstauer

Duc de La Vernede

15:40 14/2
First Ridden


The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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Sunday (11 August 2024)

time no. discipline winner
08:00 15/1
08:30 15/2
08:40 16/0
Leonie Stadler

Madeira 7

09:00 15/3
Einlauf Springprüfung

Hannah Auinger

Bolero II

09:00 18/0
Leonie Stadler

Madeira 7

Denise Grießer

Amicelli 17

09:20 19/1
Nadja Herbst

Rathnagrew Misty Girl

09:30 15/4
Lisa Etzer

Sissy 59

Carolina Mittermayr

Larko Vulkan XVI

09:50 19/2
Stil Springprüfung 90cm

Hannah Auinger

Bolero II

09:50 20/1
Nadja Herbst

Rathnagrew Misty Girl

10:20 20/2
Standard Springprüfung

Olivia Engelkes

Cornet's Star

10:20 21/0
Nicole Strasser

Wellington 19

Nadja Lang

Starello 2

10:30 22/1
10:50 20/3
Standard Springprüfung

Monika Schmidlechner

ötscherblick's Riviera

11:00 22/2
Monika Schmidlechner

ötscherblick's Riviera

11:00 23/1
Standard Springprüfung

tournament informations

number of riders 51 highest niveau jump SPR 100
number of horses 52 highest niveau dressage DRE L
number of starts 80

successful riders

successful horses

dressage horse Alykessa (Austrian Warmblood, 2015)


dressage horse Wallander 2 (Haflinger, 2014)

Wallander 2

dressage horse Double Chocolate (German Riding Pony, 2016, from D-Day AT)

Double Chocolate

jumper ötscherblick's Riviera (Austrian Warmblood, 2017)

ötscherblick's Riviera