rank | participants | cycle errors | cycle time | jumpoff errors | jumpoff time |
Teddy Van De Rijt
Netherlands |
Gail Demuynck
Belgium |
Eliah Pieters
Belgium |
Hebe De Maeyer
Belgium |
Gregory Goossens
Belgium |
Gail Demuynck
Belgium |
Alberto Jaime Harari Cassab
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of |
Louise Losfeld
Belgium |
Yoni Van Santvoort
Netherlands |
Hanneke Mulderij
Netherlands |
Sammy-jo Smit
Netherlands |
Yasmine Vinck
Belgium |
Chaouki Rijnders
Belgium |
Alberto Jaime Harari Cassab
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of |
Zoë Van Houdt
Belgium |
Birgit Stroobants
Belgium |
Logan Fiechter
Netherlands |
Bart Clarys
Belgium |
Thibeau Spits
Belgium |
Fianna Mulders
Belgium |
Julie Holemans
Belgium |
Andres Vereecke
Belgium |
Kasper De Boeck
Belgium |
Amelie Clarys
Belgium |
Thibeau Spits
Belgium |
Maxime Van Der Linden
Belgium |
Chloë Mc Kenzie
Belgium |
Vincent Lambrecht
Belgium |
Nikolas Matthijs
Belgium |
Hebe De Maeyer
Belgium |
Eliah Pieters
Belgium |
Roosmaryn Roelofs
Netherlands |