Reitturnier Gemünden 2021

  • pin Gemünden

Sunday (10 October 2021)

time no. discipline winner
09:00 8

Lina Valas

Daddy's Boy 9

10:00 9
Springprüfung Kl. E

Annabell Plock

Miss Picky

11:30 10
Stil Spring-Wettbewerb

Annabell Plock

Miss Picky

12:00 7
Jette Kuhn


13:15 11
Springprüfung Kl. A*

Annabell Plock

Miss Picky

14:15 12
Springprüfung Kl. A**

Christina Grebe

Holsteins Julienne

15:30 13
Springprüfung Kl. L

Arno Reitze

Emmy 53


The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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tournament informations

number of riders 62 highest niveau jump SPR L
number of horses 62 highest niveau dressage WBO-DR
number of starts 130

successful riders

successful horses

broodmare Fantasia 136 (Westphalian, 2009, from Florenciano 6)

Fantasia 136

jumper Chamberdam (Württemberger, 2007, from Chambertin)


jumper Emmy 53 (Westphalian, 2012, from Earl of Classic Hd)

Emmy 53

jumper Contefinchen T (Oldenburg show jumper, 2015, from Contefino)

Contefinchen T