Reitturnier Sauldorf-Boll 2021

  • pin Sauldorf Boll

Tuesday (04 May 2021)

time no. discipline winner
08:30 1
Niklas Krieg

Coco C`est la Vie

10:00 2
Springpferdeprüfung Kl. L

Niklas Krieg

Coco C`est la Vie

11:30 3
Springprüfung Kl. L

Constantin Sorg

Cadeau 30

13:30 4
Springprüfung Kl. M*

Thomas Volk

Cochava CE

Constantin Sorg

Cadeau 30

15:15 5
Springprüfung Kl. M**


The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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tournament informations

number of riders 38 highest niveau jump SPR M**
number of horses 94 number of starts 132

successful riders

successful horses

broodmare Quinja H (Württemberger, 2009, from Quintender 2)

FBW Quinja H

jumper Verdi 74 (Holsteiner, 2011, from Verdi)

Verdi 74

jumper Cyriac 2 (Württemberger, 2011, from Cassico)

Cyriac 2

jumper Toronto Raptor (Holsteiner, 2012, from Totilas)

Toronto Raptor