Goch, KADER-PLS 2014

  • pin Goch

Wendsday (19 March 2014)

time no. discipline winner
10:00 1
Christine Dorenkamp

Thunder Girl

10:30 2
Springpferdeprüfung Kl. L

Christine Dorenkamp

Thunder Girl

11:15 3
Holger Hetzel

Dalli Dalli 6

12:15 4
Julia Muth

Charly Brown 208

13:00 5
Messina Tillmann

Alposas Jim Beam

14:45 6
Stefanie Reining

Claudine 10

16:30 7
Springprüfung Kl. M**

Elisabeth Kruse

Lando's Star

18:15 8
Springprüfung Kl. S* 140cm

Christian Ahlmann

Bjerglunds Caruso


The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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tournament informations

number of riders 47 highest niveau jump SPR S*
number of horses 123 number of starts 197

successful riders

successful horses

jumper Hixson (Rhinelander, 2004, from Heartbreaker)


jumper Lando's Star (Oldenburg show jumper, 2004, from Lando)

Lando's Star

broodmare Casscora (Holsteiner, 2005, from Cassini I)


jumper Bjerglunds Caruso (Holsteiner, 2004, from Coronado I)

Bjerglunds Caruso