Reitturnier München-Riem 2019 - Pferd International

Tournament results and videos

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Erfahre alles über Reitturnier München-Riem 2019 (30.05. - 02.06.2019): Teilnehmerlisten, Sieger und mehr

Thursday (30 May 2019)

time no. discipline winner video
07:30 26
FEI Prix St. Georges

08:00 5
FEI jumping competition 140

10:00 35
10:15 8
FEI jumping competition 135

12:30 56
12:45 57
13:00 28
FEI Grand Prix de Dressage

14:00 1
17:00 11
FEI jumping competition 140

17:30 38

The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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Friday (31 May 2019)

time no. discipline winner video
08:00 12
FEI jumping competition 145

08:00 27
FEI Intermediaire I

10:00 33
10:30 14
FEI jumping competition 115

10:30 41
10:45 17
FEI jumping competition 125

11:15 20
FEI jumping competition 135

11:30 42
12:00 29
FEI Grand Prix Spécial

13:30 58
13:45 59
14:00 44
15:00 2
FEI jumping competition 150

15:00 23
FEI Grand Prix de Dressage

15:00 45
17:45 9

Saturday (01 June 2019)

time no. discipline winner video
08:00 15
08:00 31
08:30 18
09:15 21
10:30 46
11:00 7
11:00 36
11:30 47
12:30 3
14:00 24
FEI Grand Prix Spécial

14:00 49
15:00 50
16:15 30
Dressurprüfung Kl. S*

17:30 6
Barrieren FEI Six Bar

Sunday (02 June 2019)

time no. discipline winner video
08:00 16
08:00 40
08:30 19
08:45 37
09:15 22
10:15 34
11:00 13
11:00 51
11:30 52
12:00 32
13:15 54
13:30 4
FEI jumping competition 160

14:00 55
14:15 39
Pony Führzügel-Wettbewerb

15:00 25
FEI Grand Prix Kür

17:00 10

Vom 30.05. - 02.06.2019 fand das Reitturnier "Pferd International in München" statt. Die Zuschauer konnten vier Tage lang Spitzensport im Olympia Reitstadion genießen.
Ein weiteres Highlight waren die NÜRNBERGER BURG-POKAL Qualifikationen für das Finale beim Festhallen Reitturnier in Frankfurt.

tournament informations

number of riders 275 highest niveau jump GP5* INT
number of horses 475 highest niveau dressage GPR
number of starts 1139