rank | participants | error | time |
Manuel Pizzato
Italy |
Manuel Pizzato
Italy |
Aleksandr Onishchenko
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of |
Aleksandr Onishchenko
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of |
Roberto Prandi
Italy |
Roberto Nocerino
Italy |
Barbara Suter
Italy |
Gerfried Puck
Austria |
Fiorenzo Ammendola
Italy |
Mathias Schibli
Switzerland |
Matteo Checchi
Italy |
Giulia Vallani
Italy |
Federica Villa
Italy |
Kevin Canavese
France |
Fiorenzo Ammendola
Italy |
Andrzej Oplatek
Poland |
Guido Tarantini
Italy |
Giovanni Sapuppo
Italy |
Giovanni Sapuppo
Italy |
Manuel Pinto
Spain |
Kate Gygax
Switzerland |
Philippe Leoni
France |
Kevin Canavese
France |
Clint Sulmoni
Switzerland |
Francesco Turturiello
Italy |
Gabriele Grassi
Italy |
Evelyne Bussmann
Switzerland |
Matteo Leonardi
Italy |
Helmut Morbitzer
Austria |