rank | participants | sum |
Yvonne Snieder
Netherlands |
Nathalie Kayal
United Kingdom |
Roy First
Israel |
Floris De Coninck
Belgium |
Julie Raymaekers
Belgium |
Alexia Ducos Blanchet
France |
Janneke Van Riet
Netherlands |
Nora Cuypers
Belgium |
Francoise Hologne-joux
Belgium |
Elise Kettner
Netherlands |
Judith Harvey
United Kingdom |
Charlotte Millier
France |
Jenneke Overduin
Netherlands |
Christianne Goes
Netherlands |
Alisa Glinka
Moldova, Republic of |
Litta Soheila Sohi
Iran, Islamic Republic of |
Katharina Mulder
Netherlands |
Kazuki Sado
Japan |
Carla Aeberhard
Switzerland |
Domien Michiels
Belgium |
Jean Philippe Siat
France |
Benedicte Smalto
France |