siblings of The Green Hills Samuel

  half siblings maternal (1638)
  full siblings (6)
  half siblings maternal (1638)
  half siblings paternal (276)

half siblings maternal

horse Hold On (Pony without race description, 1979, from unknown)

Hold On

horse Henderson Max (Pony without race description, 1982, from unknown)

Henderson Max

horse Hazel Blaze (Pony without race description, 1989, from unknown)

Hazel Blaze

horse Harvey 10 (Pony without race description, 1978, from unknown)

Harvey 10

broodmare Hay Duranda (unknown,  , from unknown)

Hay Duranda

horse Happy Oliver (Pony without race description, 1987, from unknown)

Happy Oliver

horse Jack de Todos los Santos (Shetland Pony, 1997, from unknown)

Jack de Todos los Santos

horse Ivan T80-1224 (Pony without race description, 1991, from unknown)

Ivan T80-1224

broodmare Indian Pony (Pony without race description, 1984, from unknown)

Indian Pony

horse Igloo (Pony without race description, 1982, from unknown)


horse Ibison (Pony without race description, 1982, from unknown)


broodmare Mare by Bernstein (Oldenburg,  , from Bernstein)

Mare by Bernstein