siblings of Seven 12

half siblings maternal

dressage horse Fantastic Silva (Oldenburg, 2010, from Silvano 71)

Fantastic Silva

dressage horse Fantastic Silva (unknown, 2011, from Silvano 71)

Fantastic Silva

dressage horse Hengst von Ibiza (Oldenburg, 2020, from Asgard's Ibiza)

Hengst von Ibiza

dressage horse Fantastic Feliciana EA (Oldenburg, 2022, from San Amour I)

Fantastic Feliciana EA

dressage horse In the Moonlight EA (Oldenburg, 2020, from Asgard's Ibiza)

In the Moonlight EA

dressage horse Vinicio EA (Oldenburg, 2021, from Valverde NRW)

Vinicio EA

dressage horse Scarabellini EA (Oldenburg, 2023, from Silvano 71)

Scarabellini EA