siblings of Big Adventure

half siblings paternal

jumper Buy a Star (Zangersheide riding horse, 2017, from Big Star)

Buy a Star

jumper Chaccira Blue Star (Oldenburg, 2015, from Big Star)

Chaccira Blue Star

jumper Botswana 4 (Holsteiner, 2017, from Big Star)

Botswana 4

jumper Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Holsteiner, 2018, from Big Star)

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

jumper Big Becks (Hanoverian, 2018, from Big Star)

Big Becks

jumper Big Bernardo (Oldenburg, 2018, from Big Star)

Big Bernardo

jumper Big Lady 3 (Oldenburg show jumper, 2018, from Big Star)

Big Lady 3

jumper Little Lilly 11 (Oldenburg show jumper, 2018, from Big Star)

Little Lilly 11

jumper Calestaïs Big Star (Oldenburg show jumper, 2018, from Big Star)

Calestaïs Big Star

stallion Brexit (Hanoverian, 2019, from Big Star)


jumper Boheme du Maillet Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2018, from Big Star)

Boheme du Maillet Z

jumper Balade Sauvage (German Sport Horse, 2020, from Big Star)

Balade Sauvage