siblings of Gay Lothario xx

half siblings paternal

stallion Bright Knight xx (Thoroughbred, 1921, from Gay Crusader xx)

Bright Knight xx

broodmare Loika xx (Thoroughbred, 1926, from Gay Crusader xx)

Loika xx

stallion Caissot xx (Thoroughbred, 1923, from Gay Crusader xx)

Caissot xx

stallion Hot Night xx (Thoroughbred, 1924, from Gay Crusader xx)

Hot Night xx

broodmare Gay Gamp xx (Thoroughbred, 1923, from Gay Crusader xx)

Gay Gamp xx

broodmare Pugnacity xx (Thoroughbred, 1922, from Gay Crusader xx)

Pugnacity xx

broodmare Gay Bird xx (Thoroughbred, 1923, from Gay Crusader xx)

Gay Bird xx

broodmare Hellespont xx (Thoroughbred, 1921, from Gay Crusader xx)

Hellespont xx

broodmare Never Cross xx (Thoroughbred, 1924, from Gay Crusader xx)

Never Cross xx

broodmare Balilla xx (Thoroughbred, 1928, from Gay Crusader xx)

Balilla xx

horse Guiscard xx (Thoroughbred, 1928, from Gay Crusader xx)

Guiscard xx

broodmare Cross Of Gold xx (Thoroughbred, 1926, from Gay Crusader xx)

Cross Of Gold xx