siblings of White Polly

half siblings maternal

broodmare Lady Louise (Highland Pony,  , from Orig. Highland Horse)

Lady Louise

stallion Macneil's Canna (Highland Pony,  , from Orig. Highland Horse)

Macneil's Canna

broodmare Bean Bhoidheach (Highland Pony, 1910, from Herdsman)

Bean Bhoidheach

stallion Rory o'the Hills (Highland Pony, 1897, from Lame Colt)

Rory o'the Hills

broodmare Shena (Highland Pony, 1905, from Orig. Highland Horse)


broodmare Peggy of Blairbuie (Highland Pony,  , from Orig. Highland Horse)

Peggy of Blairbuie

broodmare Staffa (Highland Pony,  , from Orig. Highland Horse)


stallion Mars (Highland Pony,  , from Orig. Highland Horse)


broodmare Lomond I (Highland Pony,  , from Orig. Highland Horse)

Lomond I

stallion Brown Highland Horse (Highland Pony,  , from Orig. Highland Horse)

Brown Highland Horse

broodmare Yellow Dun Highland Mare (Highland Pony,  , from Orig. Highland Horse)

Yellow Dun Highland Mare

broodmare Minna (Highland Pony,  , from Cream Garron)
