riding horses of Annabel Frenzen

dressage horse Louisdora (Rhinelander, 2002, from Louis le Bon)


dressage horse Wolle Wolkenstein (Hanoverian, 2003, from Wolkenstein II)

Wolle Wolkenstein

dressage horse Royal Rubin 4 (Oldenburg, 1996, from Rubinstein I)

Royal Rubin 4

dressage horse Donnerboy 7 (Rhinelander, 2001, from Donnerruf)

Donnerboy 7

dressage horse Lord of Dance 15 (Rhinelander, 2004, from Lord Loxley I)

Lord of Dance 15

dressage horse Feramus (Rhinelander, 2003, from Fidermark)


dressage horse Nickelback (German Riding Pony, 2002, from Heidbergs Nancho Nova)


broodmare Nip Tuck (German Riding Pony, 2002, from Nantano)

Nip Tuck

dressage horse White Gold B (German Riding Pony, 2003, from Golden Dancer)

White Gold B