riding horses of Kaija Schramm

dressage horse Marquess de Carree (Oldenburg, 2019, from Maracana)

Marquess de Carree

dressage horse Erste Sahne vom Carree (Oldenburg, 2019, from Escamillo)

Erste Sahne vom Carree

dressage horse World Royal (Oldenburg, 2007, from World of Dreams)

World Royal

dressage horse Special Edition 29 (Oldenburg, 2018, from Secret)

Special Edition 29

dressage horse Ballk÷nigin 3 (Oldenburg, 2014, from Bretton Woods)

Ballkönigin 3

dressage horse Fritzantino 7 (Hanoverian, 2014, from Franziskus FRH)

Fritzantino 7

dressage horse Schenkenberg's Devito (German Sport Horse, 2015, from Danciano)

Schenkenberg's Devito

dressage horse Volle Kanne Carree (Oldenburg, 2019, from Vitalis)

Volle Kanne Carree

dressage horse Femmina Bella (Oldenburg, 2009, from Fürst Romancier)

Femmina Bella

dressage horse Forever Froxi (Oldenburg, 2016, from Franklin)

Forever Froxi