riding horses of Enya Groeschke

dressage horse Mr. Fox 5 (German Riding Pony, 2015, from FS Mr. Right)

Mr. Fox 5

dressage horse Züdel (Holsteiner, 2010)


broodmare Heitholms Mia And Me (German Riding Pony, 2013, from Petit Magic Colour)

Heitholms Mia And Me

jumper Der Kleine Darius (Holsteiner, 2009, from Diarado)

Der Kleine Darius

dressage horse Mira G (German Riding Pony, 2001, from Mac Geyver)

Mira G

dressage horse Kabayo (Mecklenburg, 2011)


dressage horse Miro 266 (unknown, 2007)

Miro 266