riding horses of Milou Hammes

dressage horse Really Nice 3 (German Riding Pony, 2014, from Bünteeichen Ricardo)

Really Nice 3

dressage horse Elfenrubina (Oldenburg, 2008, from Rubin Cortes OLD)


dressage horse Franziskus Royal (Westphalian, 2019)

Franziskus Royal

dressage horse Back Ara (Haflinger, 2011, from TH Ales)

Back Ara

jumper Mobility's Farina (German Riding Pony, 2008, from The Braes My Mobility)

Mobility's Farina

dressage horse La Pasion (Holsteiner, 1998, from Lothringer)

La Pasion

broodmare Rachel 81 (New Forest Pony, 2004, from Wootton Dancing Lord)

Rachel 81