riding horses of Isabel Theimann

jumper Kendra 7 (Oldenburg show jumper, 2004, from Kannan)

Kendra 7

horse Largo 188 (Zweibrücken, 1995, from Lucky Luke)

Largo 188

jumper Quintino K (Mecklenburg, 2009, from Quintender 2)

Quintino K

dressage horse Don Olympic 2 (Mecklenburg, 2004, from D'Olympic)

Don Olympic 2

horse Lord Leo 10 (Mecklenburg, 1999, from Landsrat)

Lord Leo 10

jumper Quisito 3 (Westphalian, 2008, from Quality 9)

Quisito 3

jumper Fürstin Freixenet (Westphalian, 2004, from Fürst Piccolo)

Fürstin Freixenet

jumper Lanoccio (Rhinelander, 2003, from Lanero NRW)


dressage horse Grazie 93 (Westphalian, 2005, from Goethe)

Grazie 93

horse Carlett 2 (Westphalian, 2004, from Collin L)

Carlett 2

broodmare Fs Mrs. Mobility (German Riding Pony, 2005, from The Braes My Mobility)

FS Mrs. Mobility