riding horses of Stephan Verschuere

jumper Rohypnol van de Lentamel (Belgian Warmblood, 2017)

Rohypnol van de Lentamel

broodmare Cela van Koekenhuyze (Zangersheide riding horse, 2016, from Casallo Z)

Cela van Koekenhuyze

jumper Flash van het Watergoed (Belgium Sporthorse, 2011, from Houston)

Flash van het Watergoed

jumper Adele Ter Linden Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2013, from Action-Breaker)

Adele Ter Linden Z

jumper Nalu Quality (Belgian Warmblood, 2013, from Numero Uno)

Nalu Quality

jumper Kagh Hoessein Sdw (Belgian Warmblood, 2010, from Carabas van de Wateringhoeve)

Kagh Hoessein Sdw

jumper Question Mark of Two Notes Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2014, from Quasimodo vd Molendreef)

Question Mark of Two Notes Z

jumper Qv-Royale vd Axelhoeve (Belgian Warmblood, 2016)

Qv-Royale vd Axelhoeve

jumper Ozark vd Bisschop (Belgian Warmblood, 2014, from Emerald van 't Ruytershof)

Ozark vd Bisschop

jumper Halifax Kdw Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2012, from Horion de Libersart)

Halifax Kdw Z

jumper Mascotte of The Paddocks (Belgian Warmblood, 2012, from Corland)

Mascotte of The Paddocks

jumper Quadelfos of The Paddocks Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2009, from Quartz Adelheid Z)

Quadelfos of The Paddocks Z

jumper Impalla (Belgian Warmblood, 2008, from Chin Chin)


jumper Capall (Holsteiner, 2014, from Casall Ask)


jumper Carlita Kdw Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2013)

Carlita Kdw Z

jumper Shiara Gold Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2015, from Solid Gold Z)

Shiara Gold Z