riding horses of Dajana Linde

dressage horse Franziskaner 11 (Hanoverian, 2015, from Fürst Grandios)

Franziskaner 11

dressage horse Belissima (Hanoverian, 2012, from Belissimo NRW)

Belissima 58

horse Sinclair 88 (Oldenburg, 2007, from Lord Sinclair I)

Sinclair 88

dressage horse With Attitude (Hanoverian, 2003, from Waterford)

With Attitude

broodmare Della Piera (Hanoverian, 2000, from Del Piero)

Della Piera

broodmare Uganda XII (Holsteiner, 2004, from Chello I)


dressage horse Chevalier 85 (Westphalian, 2003, from Cordobes I)

Chevalier 85

dressage horse Real Pearl (Oldenburg, 1997, from Regazzoni)

Real Pearl

jumper Fine (Hanoverian, 2012, from Stolzenberg)

Surprise 241

dressage horse Hot Chocolate M (Hanoverian, 2006, from Hochadel)

Hot Chocolate M