Prince Ideal 38 306 (US)
American Trotter1901
The Beau Ideal 30459 (US)
American Trotter1897
Dare Devil 24828 (US)
American Trotter1893
Mambrino King 1279 (US)
American Trotter1872
Mambrino Patchen 58 (US)
Stute von Edwin Forrest 49
Mercedes (US)
American Trotter1889
Chimes US-5348
Nettie King (US)
American Trotter1887
Nettie Murphy (US)
American Trotter
Hamlin Patchen US-3519
Lady Future Princess (US)
American Trotter1880
American Trotter1884
Electioneer 125 (US)
American Trotter1868
Hambletonian 10 (US)
Green Mountain Maid
Beautiful Bells (US)
The Moor 870 (US)
Minnehaha (US)
Estabella (US)
Alcantara 729 (US)
American Trotter1876
George Wilkes 519 (US)
Alma Mater (US)
Annabel (US)
American Trotter1875
Jessie Pepper (US}
Grace Chimes (US)
American Trotter1895
Father of mother
American Trotter1849
Abdallah 01 (US)
Charles Kent Mare
American Trotter1862
Harry Clay 45
Shanghai Mary
American Trotter1867
Clay Pilot 93 (US)
Belle of Wabash (US)
Stevens' Bald Chief (US)
Nettie Clay (US)
Grace Hamlin (US)
American Trotter1891
Mambrino Chief 11 (US)
Rodes Mare (US)
Edwin Forrest 49 (US)