Net Worth (US)
American Trotter1926
McGregor the Great 68205 (US)
American Trotter1915
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
American Trotter1895
Pilot Medium US-1597
American Trotter1879
Happy Medium 400 (US)
Tackey (US)
Santos (US)
American Trotter1887
Grand Sentinel US-865
Shadow (US)
Ruth C McGregor (US)
American Trotter1907
Jay McGregor 37692 (US)
American Trotter1898
Jay Hawker 19 720 (US)
Notre Dame (US)
Baroness Sybil
Hester Worthy (US)
American Trotter1921
Guy Axworthy US-37501
American Trotter1902
Axworthy US-24845
American Trotter1892
Axtell US-5183
Marguerite (US)
Lillian Wilkes (US)
American Trotter1886
Guy Wilkes US-2867
Flora (US)
Hester Prim (US)
American Trotter1910
Prodigal 600 (US)
Pancoast 1439 (US)
Beatrice (US)
The Red Silk (US)
Baron Wilkes 4758 (US)
Nannie Etticoat (US)
Naive Etoile (FR)
French Trotter1935
Father of mother
Salam (FR)
French Trotter1918
Kalmouk (FR)
French Trotter1910
Bemecourt (FR)
French Trotter1901
Fuschia (FR)
Ergoline (FR)
Quintille (FR)
French Trotter1894
Kiffis (FR)
Clementine (FR)
In Salah (FR)
French Trotter1908
Vol au Vent (FR)
French Trotter1899
Ouragan AN
Queteuse (FR)
Sfax (FR)
French Trotter1896
Hetman (FR)
Kairouan (FR)
Couture (FR)
French Trotter1924
Koenigsberg (FR)
Beaumanoir (FR)
Narquois (FR)
Quenotte (FR)
Byzance (FR)
Revanche (FR)
Reprise (FR)
French Trotter1917
Interméde (FR)
Belle Poule (FR)
Garcia (FR)
French Trotter1906
Tant Pis (FR)
Arlette (FR)