Sir Isaac (US)
American Trotter1988
Joie de Vie 7256Y (US)
American Trotter1980
Super Bowl 8540I (US)
American Trotter1969
Star's Pride 80141 (US)
American Trotter1947
Worthy Boy 74007 (US)
Stardrift (US)
Pillow Talk (US)
American Trotter1962
Rodney 77557 (US)
Bewitch (US)
Heidi Rodney (US)
American Trotter1967
Duke Rodney 102475 (US)
American Trotter1958
Duke's Dutchess (US)
Dear Abbey (US)
American Trotter1959
Victory Song 76207 (US)
Virginia D Abbey (US)
Simone Score
German trotters
Father of mother
Pesach (US)
American Trotter1987
Flak Bait US-A-4236
American Trotter1982
Speedy Somolli 155AS (US)
American Trotter1975
Speedy Crown 9498H (US)
Somolli (US)
Whims and Wishes (US)
Noble Victory 4888B (US)
Rose Point (US)
Primp Freight (US)
American Trotter1983
ABC Freight 5362R (US)
American Trotter1974
A.C.'s Princess (US)
Starlet Score (US)
Final Score
American Trotter1977
Gretchen C (US)
Sharpshooter 95659 (US)
Oak Hill Susie (US)