Alla Amarward ox
Arabian thoroughbred1935
Stambul ox
Arabian thoroughbred1926
El Sabok 1916 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1916
El Jafil ox
Arabian thoroughbred1909
Ibn Mahruss ox
Sheba ox
Narkeesa ox
Arabian thoroughbred1897
Anazeh ox
Naomi 1877 ox
Morfda ox
Hamrah 1904 DB
Arabian thoroughbred1904
Urfah 1898 DB
Dahura 1909 ox
El Bulad 1903 DB
Nanshan 1902 ox
Makina ox
Arabian thoroughbred1921
Letan ox
Muson DB
Arabian thoroughbred1899
Jedah DB
Arabian thoroughbred1902
Hasiker EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1914
Reshan DB
Arabian thoroughbred1896
Follyat ox
Arabian thoroughbred1931
Father of mother
Babyat ox
Arabian thoroughbred1922
Sidi ox
Arabian thoroughbred1917
Khaled ox
Arabian thoroughbred1895
Nimr 1891 ox
Rosa Rugosa ox
Arabian thoroughbred1907
Imamzada ox
Rose of Sharon 1885 ox
Baraza ox
Arabian thoroughbred1915
Razaz 1907 ox
Astraled 1900 ox
Rose of Hind 1902 ox
Bereyda ox
Arabian thoroughbred1898
Ahmar 1890 ox
Bozra 1881 EAO
Fenzileh ox
Arabian thoroughbred1925
Rodan 1906 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1906
Harb 1901 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1901
Mesaoud 1887 RAS
Bint Helwa 1887 RAS
Arabian thoroughbred1885
Hadban DB
Rodania 1869 DB
Balkis II ox
El Hassan 1891 ox DB
Arabian thoroughbred1891
Bedadine ox
Edhen 1879 ox
Balkis 1879 ox