Marwan Al Shaqab ox
Arabian thoroughbred2000
Gazal Al Shaqab ox
Arabian thoroughbred1995
Anaza El Farid ox
Arabian thoroughbred1988
Ruminaja Ali 1976 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1976
Shaikh Al Badi 1969 ox
Bint Magidaa ox
Bint Deenaa 1979 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1979
Ansata Ibn Halima 1958 EAO
Deenaa 1967 EAO
Kajora ox
Kaborr 1970 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1970
Nabor 1950 ox
Bint Kholameh ox
Edjora ox
Arabian thoroughbred1968
Exelsjor ox
Edessa ox
Little Liza Fame ox
Arabian thoroughbred1987
Fame VF ox
Arabian thoroughbred1982
Bey Shah ox
Bay El Bey ox
Star of Ofir ox
Raffoleta Rose ox
Arabian thoroughbred1971
Raffon ox
Leta Rose ox
Katahza ox
Arabian thoroughbred1981
Aza Destiny ox
Azraff 1949 ox
Bint Bass Hisan ox
Afhar Rahza ox
Arabian thoroughbred1969
Al-Marah Radames ox
Zakieh ox
Satin Mist ox
Arabian thoroughbred1984
Father of mother
Muscat 1971 ox
Salon 1959 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1959
Negatiw 1945 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1945
Naseem 1922 ox
Taraszcza 1937 ox
Sonata ox
Arabian thoroughbred1946
Skrzyp ox
Odaliska ox
Malpia 1958 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1958
Priboj 1944 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1944
Piolun 1934 ox
Rissalma EAO
Mammona 1939 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1939
Ofir 1933 ox
Krucica ox
Silver Satin ox
Arabian thoroughbred1973
Tornado ox
Arabian thoroughbred1965
Bask ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Witraz 1938 ox
Balalajka ox
Silwara ox
Arabian thoroughbred1955
Dargee ox
Silwa ox
Manasseh ox
Myola ox
Arabian thoroughbred1950
Raktha 1934 ox
Silver Crystal ox