Excalibur ox
Arabian thoroughbred2003
Psynergy ox
Arabian thoroughbred2000
Padrons Psyche 1988 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1988
Padron 1977 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1977
Patron 1966 ox
Odessa ox
Kilika 1982 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1982
Tamerlan 1967 ox
Kilifa ox
Balenina ox
Arabian thoroughbred1993
Balaton 1982 ox
Menes 1977 ox
Panagia 1971 ox
Neva ox
Arabian thoroughbred1986
Neman 1973 ox
Kruschina ox
Mascara ox
Arabian thoroughbred1997
NV Beau Bey ox
Bey Shah ox
Arabian thoroughbred1976
Bay El Bey ox
Star of Ofir ox
Bint Miss Fire ox
Gdansk ox
Miss Fire ox
Mahalya ox
Arabian thoroughbred1989
NV Espania ox
Werbor 1963 ox
Leesa ox
Faaiza Estopa ox
Arabian thoroughbred2007
Father of mother
El Kadjour ox
Arabian thoroughbred1992
Estopa Son ox
Arabian thoroughbred1983
El Shaklan 1975 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1975
Shaker El Masri 1963 EAO
Estopa 1965 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1965
Tabal ox
Uyaima ox
Kadijah Bint Shahwan ox
Arabian thoroughbred1987
Shahwan ox
Arabian thoroughbred1981
Said ox
Sayana ox
Amun Kaishaga ox
Arabian thoroughbred1980
Gharib ox
Kaishana ox
Fatima XXI
Arabian thoroughbred
Abu Ibn Galal EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1984
Ibn Galal 1966 EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1966
Galal 1959 EAO
Mohga 1956 EAO
Ghroub EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1971
Set El Wadi EAO
Florina ox
Sawih Ibn Wisznu ox
Arabian thoroughbred1968
Wisznu 1943 ox
Sabine 1953 ox
Figa ox
Sabbat ox
Ferenike ox