Fagotin d'Ete
French Trotter1971
Quassia A (FR)
French Trotter1960
Voronoff (FR)
French Trotter1943
Janus (FR)
French Trotter1931
Quo Vadis (FR)
Dynamo (FR)
La Canadienne (FR)
French Trotter1933
Passeport (FR)
Euelase (FR)
Reine des Fleurs (FR)
French Trotter1939
Net Worth (US)
American Trotter1926
McGregor the Great 68205 (US)
Hester Worthy (US)
Eliane III (FR)
French Trotter1926
Salam (FR)
Revanche (FR)
Quirinal IV
Inextremis (FR)
French Trotter1952
Quiroga II (FR)
French Trotter1938
Calumet Delco (US)
Femina III (FR)
Roublarde (FR)
Hernani III (FR)
Vouciennes (FR)
Simplette (FR)
French Trotter1940
Eleagnus (FR)
Roi Albert (FR)
Petite Soeur (FR)
I Fly (FR)
French Trotter1930
Tienneval (FR)
Tempete (FR)
Siola (DE)
German trotters1976
Father of mother
Corsaro (DE)
German trotters1953
Miramus (DE)
German trotters1943
Muscletone 70638 (US)
American Trotter1931
Mr McElwyn US-68461
Ruth M.Chenault (US)
Mirijam (DE)
German trotters1938
Walter Dear (US)
Mocasin Volo (US)
Coronia (DE)
Brother Hanover (US)
American Trotter1927
Peter Volo 57574 (US)
Sister Bertha (US)
Dorovna (DE)
German trotters1932
The Great Midwest 66012 (US)
Adelheid P.
Herola II
German trotters1965
Errol (DE)
German trotters1957
Permit D-19917
German trotters1945
Epilog (DE)
Maienpracht (DE)
Manitoba (DE)
German trotters1949
Minister (DE)
Manny (DE)
German trotters1954
Dachs (DE)
German trotters1936
Dahlie (DE)
Eilige (DE)
German trotters1942
Challenger (US)
Variete (DE)