Very Best (SE)
Swedish Trotting1988
Snack Bar 4546-W (US)
American Trotter1978
Nevele Pride 7308E (US)
American Trotter1965
Star's Pride 80141 (US)
American Trotter1947
Worthy Boy 74007 (US)
Stardrift (US)
Thankful (US)
American Trotter1952
Hoot Mon 76700 (US)
Magnolia Hanover (US)
Dinette (US)
American Trotter1966
Valiant Rodney (US)
American Trotter1953
Rodney 77557 (US)
The Colonels Lady (US)
Lamb Chop (US)
American Trotter1960
Newport Dream 86287 (US)
Filet Mignon (US)
Millstone (SE)
Swedish Trotting1979
Hoot Speed (US)
American Trotter1968
Speedy Scot US-108446
Speedster US-92622
Scotch Love (US)
Hoot Nimble (US)
American Trotter1958
Nimble Colby (US)
Borka III
American Trotter1989
Father of mother
French Trotter1977
American Trotter1977