Some Date (US)
American Trotter1954
Rodney 77557 (US)
American Trotter1944
Spencer Scott 7244 (US)
American Trotter1937
Scotland 68146 (US)
American Trotter1925
Peter Scott US-64391
Roya McKinney (US)
May Spencer (US)
American Trotter1931
Spencer 68128 (US)
Guyellen (US)
Earl's Princess Martha (US)
American Trotter1935
Protector US-69365
American Trotter1928
Peter Volo 57574 (US)
Margaret Arion (US)
Mignon (US)
American Trotter1919
Lee Axworthy US-58183
Mary Thomas S (US)
Zena Hanover (US)
American Trotter1947
Dean Hanover US-71679 (ex Mr Watt)
American Trotter1934
Dillon Axworthy US-53323
American Trotter1910
Axworthy US-24845
Adioo Dillon (US)
Palestrina (US)
American Trotter1917
Atlantic Express US-48787
Pilatka (US)
Lady Zombelle (US)
American Trotter1936
American Trotter1911
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
Nervolo Belle (US)
Zombelle (US)
American Trotter1922
Guy Axworthy US-37501
Belle Zombro (US)
Waldquelle (DE)
German trotters1954
Father of mother