Welsh Mountain P.1962
Coed Coch Socyn
Welsh Mountain P.1944
Coed Coch Glyndwr
Welsh Mountain P.1935
Welsh Mountain P.1909
Llwyn Tyrant
Llwyn Flyaway
Dinarth Henol (Dinarth Gwenol)
Welsh Mountain P.1927
Llwyn Satan
Irfon Marvel
Gatley Stardust
Welsh Mountain P.1923
Stanage Planet
Welsh Mountain P.1918
Stanage Daylight
Stanage Satellite
Stanage Meteor
Welsh Mountain P.1913
Stanage Halley's Comet
Stanage Kitty
Welsh Mountain P.1956
Shalbourne Pendragon
Welsh Mountain P.1950
Wentworth Silver Minnow
Welsh Mountain P.1939
Wentworth Greyshot
Wentworth Star of the South
Whitehall Moving Star
Welsh Mountain P.1945
Whitehall Monarch
Whitehall Queen
Triley Joy
Father of mother
Triley Shot
Coed Coch Puror
Welsh Mountain P.1951
Coed Coch Tlws
Llwyn Tinwen
Coed Coch Prydferth
Welsh Pony (Sek.B)1943
Tan-Y-Bwlch Prancio
Cui Cathy
Welsh Mountain P.1948
Cwm Cream of Eppynt
Welsh Mountain P.1932
Forest Blue Banner
Caer Beris Faith
Cui Blue Moon
Welsh Mountain P.1943
Criban Winston
Cui June
Newtown Patience of Merrie
New Forest Pony1966
Weirs Good Lad
New Forest Pony1963
New Forest Pony1946
Forest Horse
The Ghost Forest Mare
Queenie XVII
Obershade Mary, forest mare
Newtown Poppy
New Forest Pony1955
New Forest Pony1949
Newtown Spark
Minstead Model
Newtown Rose
New Forest Pony1943
Molly 17th