Eskan ox
Arabian thoroughbred1987
Sannrhou ox
Arabian thoroughbred1980
Saher 1967 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1967
Ghazal 1953 EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1953
Nazeer 1934 RAS
Bukra 1942 RAS
Sahmet 1957 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1957
Hadban Enzahi 1952 EAO
Jatta 1933 ox
Boashah ox
Arabian thoroughbred1972
Marzavan ox
Bibars ox
Jowiszah ox
Bikassah ox
Arabian thoroughbred1965
Kasserah ox
Estancia ox
Arabian thoroughbred1977
Emin ox
Arabian thoroughbred1971
Celebes 1949 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1949
Witraz 1938 ox
Canaria ox
Elmira 1966 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1966
Mir Said 1953 ox
Elka ox
Sharia ox
Arabian thoroughbred1970
Shari I ox
Arabian thoroughbred1960
Hathor 1955 ox
Salinka ox
Arabian thoroughbred1984
Father of mother
Kauri ox
Arabian thoroughbred1974
Kilimandscharo 1968 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1968
Aswan 1958 EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1958
Yosreia 1943 RAS
Karta 1962 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1962
Arax 1952 ox
Kapella 1957 ox
Kapelka ox
Kapel ox
Arabian thoroughbred1959
Pomeranets 1952 ox
Knopka 1950 ox
Sarona ox
Arabian thoroughbred1979
Patron 1966 ox
Podruga ox
Arabian thoroughbred1951
Priboj 1944 ox
Dikarka 1930 ox
Sawda ox
Achar ox
Noran 1956 ox
Rythoura ox
Chieka ox
Arabian thoroughbred1955
The Chief ox
Sulka 1934 ox