Jalisco ox
Arabian thoroughbred1971
Figuroso ox
Arabian thoroughbred1966
Tabal ox
Arabian thoroughbred1952
Congo 1941 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1941
Ilustre 1923 ox
Triana ox
Hilandera ox
Arabian thoroughbred1942
Gandhy ox
Abisinia ox
Bahia II ox
Arabian thoroughbred1962
Kako ox
Arabian thoroughbred1947
Nana Sahib 1934 ox
Carola ox
Famula ox
Sara III ox
Fira ox
Ariana ox
Arabian thoroughbred1961
Malvito ox
Arabian thoroughbred1949
Egina ox
Uyaima ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Barquillo ox
Imelina ox
Jasmin II ox
Arabian thoroughbred1977
Father of mother
Shazon ox
The Shah
Fabah 1950 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1950
Fadl 1930 RAS
Bint Bint Sabbah 1930 RAS
Bint Fada ox
Fa-Serr ox
Fada ox
Bazzama ox
Al-Marah Radames ox
Indraff ox
Gutne EAO
Bazza EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1951
Zab ox
Berris ox
Aljaima ox
Alcazar ox
Arabian thoroughbred1959
Sherif ox
Arabian thoroughbred1943
Rebeca 1930 ox
Jacobita ox
Arabian thoroughbred1945
Ghazel 1924 DB
Escarcha ox
Arabian thoroughbred1965
Zancudo 1958 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1958
Yaima ox
Zarza ox
Ocalina ox