Eidelstedter (DE)
German trotters1956
Epilog (DE)
German trotters1934
Legality (US)
American Trotter1927
Lawful (US)
American Trotter1918
Lee Axworthy US-58183
Sister Hattie
Rhein Lass (US)
American Trotter1913
Bingen 29567 (US)
Mokomo (US)
Mary H. (DE)
German trotters1920
Issy les Moulineaux (FR)
French Trotter1908
Azur (FR)
Algerienne (FR)
Mary Mac (US)
American Trotter1903
Constenaro US-30659
Ulanka (DE)
German trotters1945
Calumet Finery (US)
American Trotter1932
Truax 68640 (US)
American Trotter1921
Guy Axworthy US-37501
Hollyrood Nimble (US)
My Rosebud
American Trotter1923
General Watts 44231 (US)
Rosa Lake (US)
Scharade (DE)
German trotters1936
Peter Speedway (US)
American Trotter1922
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
Alice Ford (US)
German trotters1926
Arion Guy 65042 (US)
Katharine Cavit
Stella Quinta
German trotters1965
Father of mother
Quintus Harvester (NL)
Parisien (FR)
French Trotter1937
Sam Williams (US)
Peter Scott US-64391
Blitzie (US)
Walkyrie V (FR)
French Trotter1921
Nemrod (FR)
Fa Mi Sol (FR)
Cilly Harvester (NL)
Siliko 40903 (US)
Sally Harvester (US)
The Harvester 43637 (US)
Stella Maris (DE)
German trotters1940
Muscletone 70638 (US)
American Trotter1931
Mr McElwyn US-68461
Widow Maggie (US)
Ruth M.Chenault (US)
American Trotter1924
Peter Chenault 64512 (US)
Ruth Mainsheet
Stella Brewer
American Trotter1930
Peter the Brewer 67700 (US)
Zombrewer (US)
Stella Dillon
American Trotter