Gerrol D-28182
German trotters1959
Permit D-19917
German trotters1945
Epilog (DE)
German trotters1934
Legality (US)
American Trotter1927
Lawful (US)
Rhein Lass (US)
Mary H. (DE)
German trotters1920
Issy les Moulineaux (FR)
Mary Mac (US)
Maienpracht (DE)
German trotters1938
The Great Midwest 66012 (US)
American Trotter1919
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
Nervolo Belle (US)
Maiennacht D-2516
German trotters1927
Harvest Day (US)
Maienlieb D-2517
Manitoba (DE)
German trotters1949
Minister (DE)
German trotters1935
Peter the Brewer 67700 (US)
American Trotter1918
Zombrewer (US)
Miss Neva (US)
American Trotter1925
Ortolan Axworthy 55782 (US)
Neva Brooke (US)
Manny (DE)
German trotters1941
Dynamic (US)
American Trotter1932
Volomite 68580 (US)
Girlish Manners (US)
Miss Guy Song (US)
American Trotter1930
Guy Richard (US)
Evensong (US)
German trotters1953
Father of mother
American Trotter1895
Pilot Medium US-1597
Santos (US)
American Trotter1905
Zombro US-28029
Mary Bales (US)
American Trotter1911
Axworthy US-24845
Mary Elkin (US)
Justice Brooke 53570 (US)
Native Belle (US)
German trotters
Leo Watts
The Great Marie
American Trotter