Hairos II (FR)
French Trotter1951
Kairos (FR)
French Trotter1932
The Great McKinney 68731 (US)
American Trotter1922
Arion Mc Kinney 60625 (US)
American Trotter1913
McKinney 8818 (US)
Salimis (US)
Virginia Dangler (US)
American Trotter1914
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
Gracie Bingen (US)
Uranie (FR)
French Trotter1920
Interméde (FR)
French Trotter1908
Bemecourt (FR)
Belle Poule (FR)
Pastourelle (FR)
French Trotter1915
Gladiateur (FR)
Joujou (FR)
Salambo II (FR)
French Trotter1940
Limoges (FR)
French Trotter1933
Valentino (FR)
French Trotter1921
Harmonie II (FR)
Bagatelle III (FR)
French Trotter1923
Reynolds V (FR)
Veles xx
Reveuse (FR)
Lavater H
Hackney (horse/pony)1867
Crocus H
Candelaria H
Sympathie xx
Pedagogue xx
Debutante xx
Queen Bess
Father of mother
American Trotter1929
Truax 68640 (US)
American Trotter1921
Guy Axworthy US-37501
American Trotter1902
Axworthy US-24845
Lillian Wilkes (US)
Hollyrood Nimble (US)
American Trotter1911
Joe Dodge 49085 (US)
Kata Bonner (US)
Lee Wynolot (US)
American Trotter1924
Lee Axworthy US-58183
Gaiety Lee (US)
Wynolot (US)
American Trotter1919
Evelyn Hanover (DE)
German trotters1937
German trotters1955
Epilog (DE)
German trotters1934
Legality (US)
Mary H. (DE)
Eva Carola (DE)
German trotters
Carolus (DE)
German trotters1944
Saint Guy (US)
Carla Bingen (DE)