Owain Glyndwr
Welsh Mountain P.1946
Coed Coch Glyndwr
Welsh Mountain P.1935
Welsh Mountain P.1909
Llwyn Tyrant
Welsh Mountain P.1908
Prince of Cardiff
Llwyn Flyaway
Welsh Mountain P.1891
Eiddwen Flyer
Llwyn Blaze
Dinarth Henol (Dinarth Gwenol)
Welsh Mountain P.1927
Llwyn Satan
Welsh Mountain P.1923
Kilhendre Celtic Silverlight
Llwyn Tempter
Irfon Marvel
Welsh Mountain P.1916
Dyoll Starlight
Henallt Black
Wentworth Stormy Petrel
Welsh Mountain P.1937
Wentworth Greyshot
Welsh Mountain P.1924
Wentworth Springlight
Welsh Mountain P.1920
Lady Greylight
Welsh Mountain P.1904
Wentworth Grey Stormy
Welsh Mountain P.1926
Revel Glamour
Welsh Mountain P.1942
Father of mother
Revel Atom Swell
Welsh Mountain P.1928
Forest Dun Dandy
Welsh Mountain P.1925
Forest Swell Sam
Forest Chief
Forest Dun Cream Swell
Forest Dunday
Welsh Mountain P.
Grove Starshine
Forest Dreary Dun
Forest Atom's Swell
Welsh Mountain P.1918
Forest Atom
Forest Mountain Model
Forest Mighty Atom
Forest Jet Swell
Forest Adbolton Sir Horace
Forest Swell's Tip Top
Revel Gleam
Revel Blue Stone
Welsh Mountain P.1930
Usk Valley Greystone
Welsh Mountain P.1922
Criban Kid
Usk Valley Brownie
Usk Valley Blackbird
Usk Valley Model
Usk Valley Midget
Revel Sunrise
Welsh Mountain P.1933
Criban Chief
Forest Greystone
Forest Black Style 8279
Forest Black Lad
Forest Bright Style