Gerwazy ox
Arabian thoroughbred1955
Doktryner ox
Arabian thoroughbred1950
Miecznik 1931 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1931
Fetysz ox 1924
Arabian thoroughbred1924
Bakszysz 1901 ox
282 Siglavy Bagdady ox
Koalicja 1918 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1918
Koheilan IV 1904 ox
238 Amurath-25 ox
Blaga ox
Arabian thoroughbred1937
Kuhaylan Zaid RAS
Arabian thoroughbred1923
Kuhaylan Abu Junub RAS
Kuhaylah Al Ziyadah RAS
11-Siglavy Bagdady II ox
Arabian thoroughbred1925
11-Siglavy Bagdady ox
23-Koheilan IV ox
Gwara ox
Arabian thoroughbred1946
Wielki Szlem 1938 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1938
Ofir 1933 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1933
Kuhailan Haifi 1923 DB
Dziwa 1922 ox
Elegantka 1923 ox
Gazella II 1914 ox
Canaria ox
Arabian thoroughbred1942
Trypolis 1937 ox
Enwer Bey 1923 ox
Kahira 1929 ox
Saga 1936 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1936
Hardy 1926 ox
Jaga II 1928 ox
Shamal ox
Arabian thoroughbred1944
Father of mother
Fayal ox
Arabian thoroughbred1927
Miraze ox
Nasik 1908 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1908
Rijm 1901 ox
Narghileh 1895 ox
Bereyda ox
Arabian thoroughbred1898
Ahmar 1890 ox
Bozra 1881 EAO
Fejr ox
Arabian thoroughbred1911
Arabian thoroughbred1901
Mahruss II EAO
Rose of Sharon 1885 ox
Feluka 1899 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1899
Mesaoud 1887 RAS
Ferida DB
Rizada 1924 ox
Shahzada 1913 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1913
Mootrub 1887 DB
Arabian thoroughbred1887
Ruth Kesia 1903 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1903
Ben Azrek 1892 ox
Borak EAO
Riz 1916 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1916
Razaz 1907 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1907
Astraled 1900 ox
Rose of Hind 1902 ox
Rijma 1911 ox
Risala 1900 ox