Vardra Julius
Welsh Mountain P.1971
Twyford Sprig
Welsh Mountain P.1965
Coed Coch Asa
Welsh Mountain P.1958
Gredington Hynod
Welsh Mountain P.1953
Coed Coch Madog
Coed Coch Sidan
Coed Coch Anwyled
Coed Coch Glyndwr
Snowdon Arian II
Revel Spring Song
Welsh Mountain P.1950
Pendock Playboy
Welsh Mountain P.1947
Bowdler Blue Boy
Craven Tosca
Revel Serenade
Welsh Mountain P.1940
Revel Atom Swell
Revel Cuckoo
Revel Pinup
Revel Light
Winestead Larina
Welsh Mountain P.1932
Winestead Don Juan
Grove Star of Hope
Revel Playtime
Winestead Zenia
Ness Thistle
Dyrin Seren Wen
Father of mother
Brierwood Goldleaf
Welsh Mountain P.1957
Brierwood Popwood
Welsh Mountain P.1952
Brierwood White King
Welsh Mountain P.1949
Criban Historical
Criban White Wings
Brierwood Lolipop
Brierwood Mistwyn
Barley Sugar
Brierwood Bayleaf
Welsh Mountain P.1951
Wentworth Mentor
Wentworth Silver Minnow
Brierwood Treacle
Welsh Mountain P.1942
Cwmowen Nutshell
Welsh Mountain P.1956
Dyrin Athlete
Criban Cockade
Welsh Mountain P.1936
Ness Commander
Criban Socks
Dyrin Princess
Revel Wampus
Criban Posy
Cwmowen Lady
Welsh Mountain P.1931
Forest Blue Banner
Welsh Mountain P.1921
Forest Blue Squire
Forest Nell Black Swell
Cwmowen Young Cream Nellie
Welsh Mountain P.1911
Black Dick