Exelsjor ox
Arabian thoroughbred1963
Aquinor 1951 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1951
Miecznik 1931 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1931
Fetysz ox 1924
Arabian thoroughbred1924
Bakszysz 1901 ox
282 Siglavy Bagdady ox
Koalicja 1918 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1918
Koheilan IV 1904 ox
238 Amurath-25 ox
Amneris 1940 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1940
Amurath Sahib 1932 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1932
Amurath II ox
Sahiba ox
Elsissa 1930 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1930
Floks ox
Arabja 1919 ox
Eleonora ox
Arabian thoroughbred1944
Witraz 1938 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1938
Ofir 1933 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1933
Kuhailan Haifi 1923 DB
Dziwa 1922 ox
Makata ox
Gazella II 1914 ox
Zmora ox
Arabian thoroughbred1937
Caid ox
Arabian thoroughbred1926
Denousté 1921 ox
Caravane ox
Bad 1929 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1929
Diab OA
Guenia ox
SR Kathea ox
Arabian thoroughbred1964
Father of mother
Kufaba ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Kubriya ox
Arabian thoroughbred1946
Raffles ox
Skowronek 1909 ox
Rifala 1922 ox
Selfra ox
Arabian thoroughbred1934
Selmian ox
Rose of France ox
Feyaba ox
Raffey ox
Rafeyma ox
Raiaba ox
Arabian thoroughbred1935
Hasab ox
Raida ox
Athea ox
Arabian thoroughbred1954
Mainad ox
Arabian thoroughbred1948
Hanad 1922 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1922
Deyr 1904 DB
Sankirah 1915 ox
Charmain ox
Abu-Selim ox
Aatika ox
Dharanah ox
Arabian thoroughbred1942
Dhareb ox
Letan ox
Moliah 1911 ox
Antarah ox
Antez ox
Hasiker EAO