Shamrock the Cool Colonell
Welsh Mountain P.2001
Ceulan Cariadog
Welsh Mountain P.1996
Yaverland Nero
Welsh Mountain P.1983
Twyford Gamecock
Welsh Mountain P.1964
Twyford Grenadier
Wee Georgette
Synod Nutmeg
Welsh Mountain P.1979
Persie Brigadier
Synod Glitters
Ceulan Cariad
Welsh Mountain P.1988
Twyford Sprig
Welsh Mountain P.1965
Coed Coch Asa
Revel Spring Song
Rondeels Cavalla
Welsh Mountain P.1972
Twyford Thunder
Twyford Cobweb
Shamrocklake Sweetlife Cordelia
Welsh Mountain P.1997
Revel Paul-Jones
Welsh Mountain P.1987
Dyfed Geraint
Revel Centre
Dyfed Gwen
Revel Pavane
Welsh Mountain P.1971
Rondeels Pengwyn
Revel Playtime
Springbourne Chorus
Welsh Mountain P.1991
Springbourne Caraway
Welsh Mountain P.1986
Penual Mark
Springbourne Carys
Springbourne Croesan
Welsh Mountain P.1981
Springbourne Halwyn
Belvoir Columbine
Father of mother
Welsh Mountain P.1977
Revel Jeeves
Bengad Parrotia
Revel Jewel
Penual Margo
Welsh Mountain P.1970
Gurnos Maid
Welsh Mountain P.1974
Revel Carreg
Revel Chip
Revel Cayenne
Welsh Mountain P.1966
Clan Crocus
Welsh Mountain P.1975
Coed Coch Pwffiad
Springbourne Hyfwyn
Treharne Tomboy
Springbourne Hyfryd
Welsh Mountain P.1958
Gredington Hynod
Coed Coch Anwyled
Welsh Mountain P.1952
Coed Coch Glyndwr
Clan Cia