Michigan Dream
Bashkir Curly
LS Sassey Lady
Bashkir Curly1997
Walker's Curly T
Bashkir Curly1983
Walker's Prince T
Bashkir Curly1967
Walker's Merry Lad
Mr. President's Molly B
MR President
Dannys Jane B
LS Daisy
Bashkir Curly1993
Dan's Dandy G
Bashkir Curly1986
Gem Dan D
Sara Lee
Goldies Ginger T
Bashkir Curly1978
Alaska Dream
Father of mother
Kentucky Dream
FC Justa Touch of Mist
Bigcone Whoopi
Moonlight Sonata
Bashkir Curly1996
Sir Patrick MJT
Missouri Fox Trotter1981
Zane's Big Mac
Missouri Fox Trotter1973
Zane Grey F-2815
Litte Nell
Lad's Curley Queen
Bashkir Curly1970
Honeycomb A&M