Harpagon C (FR)
French Trotter1951
Volontaire (FR)
French Trotter1943
Enfant de Troupe (FR)
French Trotter1926
Quo Vadis (FR)
French Trotter1916
Enoch (FR)
Junon (FR)
Olga (FR)
French Trotter1914
Bemecourt (FR)
Eveillee (FR)
Consolata (FR)
French Trotter1924
Interméde (FR)
French Trotter1908
Belle Poule (FR)
Griselda (FR)
French Trotter1906
James Watt (FR)
Walkyrie (FR)
Quadriga (FR)
French Trotter1938
The Great McKinney 68731 (US)
American Trotter1922
Arion Mc Kinney 60625 (US)
American Trotter1913
McKinney 8818 (US)
Salimis (US)
Virginia Dangler (US)
American Trotter1914
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
Gracie Bingen (US)
Historiette III (FR)
French Trotter1929
Templier (FR)
French Trotter1919
Diable (FR)
Judith (FR)
Almee V (FR)
Passeport (FR)
Pantomine xx
Nebuleuse (FR)
French Trotter1957
Father of mother
Byrhkama (FR)
French Trotter1945
Kama (FR)
French Trotter1932
Sam Williams (US)
Peter Scott US-64391
Blitzie (US)
Villageoise (FR)
French Trotter1899
Moonlighter (FR)
Quintille (FR)
Suissesse (FR)
French Trotter1940
Hope III (FR)
Salam (FR)
Maggy II (FR)
French Trotter1934
Fidus F-277080
Dedette II (FR)
Triomphante III (FR)
French Trotter1941