Blaz ons Fancy Amir
Arab half breed1991
Tardars Seconcha
Arab half breed1988
Fleetwinds Ibdaar ox
Arabian thoroughbred1979
Comaro ox
Fleet Ibsaana ox
BHR Dak Sahra Laili
Pinto / Small Horse1977
Tarbaans Ksah ox
Mysterious Cali
Amira June ox
Arabian thoroughbred1984
Amir Ibn Arabi ox
Arabian thoroughbred1977
Al Amir Ababi
Princeton Narge ox
Mc Coys Melody ox
Mc Coys Count ox
Terra-Lane ox
Mc Coys Fancy ox
Arabian thoroughbred1987
Arabian thoroughbred1972
El Reata Faraf ox
Gayrna ox
Arabian thoroughbred1966
Sarolle ox
Black Satin EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1965
The Real Mccoy ox
Bint Sahara 1942 ox
Ras-Abi ox
Ternette ox
Ned. Rijpaarden Pony1997
Father of mother
Netron ox
Arabian thoroughbred1982
Abdullah 1975 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1975
Patron 1966 ox
Psikhea ox
Nephta ox
Arabian thoroughbred1976
Neptun 1962 ox
Piktha ox
Ned. Rijpaarden Pony1979
Naivnyi ox
Arax 1952 ox
Norka 1946 ox
Marjolein van de Spoorbrug
Ned. Rijpaarden Pony1976
Lurex ox
Jolanda van de Spoorbrug
Kings Court Ghayada ox
Arabian thoroughbred1981
Rissaz ox
Indriss ox
Arabian thoroughbred1962
Indian Magic ox
Rissalma ox
Kazra ox
Arabian thoroughbred1961
Mikeno 1949 ox
Razehra ox
Kings Court Ghazu ox
Procent ox
Arabian thoroughbred1970
Aswan 1958 EAO
Panel 1960 ox
Galanta ox
Arabian thoroughbred1971
Roxan ox
Gayrani ox