Gesakkla ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Arabian thoroughbred1942
Raseyn 1923 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1923
Skowronek 1909 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1909
Ibrahim 1899 ox
Jaskolka 1891 ox
Rayya ox
Arabian thoroughbred1915
Rustem 1908 ox
Riada 1904 ox
Nakkla ox
Fondak ox
Arabian thoroughbred1920
Korosko 1907 DB
Tebaida ox
Menfis ox
Arabian thoroughbred1927
Egipto ox
Siria ox
Gebina ox
Arabian thoroughbred1950
Fa El Gemar ox
Arabian thoroughbred1944
Fadl 1930 RAS
Arabian thoroughbred1930
Ibn Rabdan 1917 RAS
Mahroussa 1920 RAS
Rageyma ox
Arabian thoroughbred1936
Mirage 1919 DB
Kareyma 1927 ox
Bambina ox
Raffles ox
Arabian thoroughbred1926
Rifala 1922 ox
Rihani ox
Arabian thoroughbred1933
Saoud ox
Muha ox
Imna ox
Father of mother
Image 1933 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1919
Kuhaylan Ajuz 1900 DB
Arabian thoroughbred1900
Seglawieh Jedran 1899 DB
Arabian thoroughbred1899
Arabian thoroughbred1922
Rissla 1917 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1917
Berk 1903 ox
Risala 1900 ox
Selmnab ox
Nawab ox
Arabian thoroughbred1905
Astraled 1900 ox
Mesaoud 1887 RAS
Queen of Sheba 1875 RAS
Nefisa 1885 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1885
Hadban DB
Dajania RAS
Simrieh ox
Arabian thoroughbred1903
Seyal 1897 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1897
Sobha 1879 ox
Selma II 1894 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1894
Ahmar 1890 ox