Mitsouko (FR)
French Trotter1956
Quiroga II (FR)
French Trotter1938
Calumet Delco (US)
American Trotter1930
Peter the Brewer 67700 (US)
American Trotter1918
Peter the Great 28955 (US)
Zombrewer (US)
Dillcisco (US)
American Trotter1919
San Francisco US-49173
Dilworthy (US)
Femina III (FR)
French Trotter1927
Enoch (FR)
French Trotter1904
Uranus (FR)
Union (FR)
Quasquara (FR)
French Trotter1916
Fortunio (FR)
Junon (FR)
Cantate II (FR)
French Trotter1946
Myosotis (FR)
French Trotter1934
Interméde (FR)
French Trotter1908
Bemecourt (FR)
Belle Poule (FR)
Eliane III (FR)
French Trotter1926
Salam (FR)
Revanche (FR)
French Trotter1940
Elle Charmeuse (FR)
French Trotter1970
Father of mother
Paleo (FR)
French Trotter1959
Fandango (FR)
French Trotter1949
Loudeac (FR)
French Trotter1933
Bolero (FR)
Bonne Fortune (FR)
Tombelaine (FR)
French Trotter1941
Javari (FR)
Verveine (FR)
Rosina (FR)
French Trotter1939
The Great McKinney 68731 (US)
American Trotter1922
Arion Mc Kinney 60625 (US)
Virginia Dangler (US)
Historiette III (FR)
French Trotter1929
Templier (FR)
Almee V (FR)
Quelle Charmeuse (FR)
French Trotter1960
Espoir du Bourbonnais (FR)
French Trotter1948
Quiproquo II (FR)
Ugalde (FR)
Mi Fa Sol K (FR)
Enfant de Troupe (FR)
Atalante II (FR)
Belle Charmeuse (FR)
French Trotter1945
Memnon (FR)
French Trotter1912
Trinqueur (FR)
Aurore (FR)
Reine Charmeuse (FR)
Charmeuse III (FR)