Nebo Daniel
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1976
Nebo Brenin
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1971
Parc Welsh Flyer
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1966
Pentre Eiddwen Comet
Welsh-Cob (Sek. C)1946
Eiddwens Image
Dewi Black Bess
Parc Lady
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1948
Parc Welsh Maid
Nebo Rosebud
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1968
Rhystyd Prince
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1960
Brenin Gwalia
Rhystyd Lady Model
Nebo Welsh Lady
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1963
Meiarth Royal Eiddwen
Tyngwndwn Mathrafal Lady
Nebo Princess Ann
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1973
Hafrena Brenin
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1962
Hendy Brenin
Welsh-Cob (Sek. C)1944
Lady Welsh Flyer
Hafrena Rosina
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1952
Derwen Welsh Comet
Penlan Bess
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1958
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1936
Poll of Golfa
Tyngwndwn Beauty
Welsh-Cob (Sek. C)1939
Cymro'R Wy
Isfryn Bess
Blaenteifi Myfanwy
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1987
Father of mother
Ffoslas Dafydd
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1983
Ffoslas Sir Gwynfor
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1980
Parc Sir Ivor
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1977
Derwen Rosina's Last
Parc Rachel
Ffoslas Welsh Maid
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1974
Broughton Ivy
Ffoslas Black Lady
Brenin Dafydd
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1964
Cahn Dafydd
Fronarth Flora
Cream Bank
Cathedine Gwlith
Blaenteifi Megan
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1982
Ffoslas Caradog Ap Dafydd
Welsh-Cob (Sek. D)1978
Tireinon Globe Trotter
Derwen Welsh Flyer
Tireinon Spring Song
Redwood Iarlles
Derwen Deryn Du
Chancerie Iris