Kintyre ox
Arabian thoroughbred1939
Alcazar ox
Arabian thoroughbred1924
Nejdran jr. ox
Arabian thoroughbred1906
Nejdran DB
Arabian thoroughbred
Sheba ox
Arabian thoroughbred1902
Mannaky jr. ox
Pride DB
Rhua ox
Arabian thoroughbred1908
Haleb 1901 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1901
A Shuwayman Sabbah ox
A Muniqiyah Sbailiyah ox
Urfah 1898 DB
Arabian thoroughbred1898
Tairah DB
Arabian thoroughbred1927
Gasara ox
Arabian thoroughbred1934
Father of mother
Bazleyd EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1928
Abu Zeyd 1904 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1904
Mesaoud 1887 RAS
Arabian thoroughbred1887
Aziz 1877 RAS
Yemama 1885 RAS
Rose Diamond 1890 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1890
Azrek 1881 DB
Rose of Jericho 1883 ox
Bazrah EAO
Arabian thoroughbred1919
Rodan 1906 ox
Harb 1901 ox
Rose of Sharon 1885 ox
Bathsheba ox
Arabian thoroughbred1913
Hauran ox
Butheyna ox
Guemura 1912 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1912
Segario 1902 ox
Nimr 1891 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1891
Kismet 1877 DB
Nazli 1888 ox
Shabaka ox
Arabian thoroughbred1894
Mameluke DB
Kesia II DB
Ghazala 1896 RAS
Arabian thoroughbred1896
Ibn Sherara 1875 RAS
Sotamm 1860 RAS
Sherara RAS
Bint Helwa 1887 RAS
Helwa 1875 RAS