Twyford Toreador
Welsh Mountain P.1968
Twyford Gamecock
Welsh Mountain P.1964
Twyford Grenadier
Welsh Mountain P.1957
Coed Coch Madog
Welsh Mountain P.1947
Coed Coch Seryddwr
Coed Coch Mefusen
Twyford Gala
Welsh Mountain P.1953
Coed Coch Glyndwr
Wee Georgette
Welsh Mountain P.1948
Craven Sprightshot
Welsh Mountain P.1935
Grove Sprightly
Craven Sunset
Gwyndy Georgiana
Welsh Mountain P.1930
Craven Sprightly
Gwyndy Georgina II
Mountain Torrent
Welsh Mountain P.1951
Wee Cream Cupid
Welsh Mountain P.1945
Criban Cockade
Welsh Mountain P.1936
Ness Commander
Criban Socks
Cnewr Chestnut Lass
Welsh Mountain P.1924
Cnewr Goldfinger
Cnewr Carol
Grove King Cole II
Grove Sprite Ii
Welsh Mountain P.1913
Prince of Cardiff
Gwyndy Georgina
Mountain Thistledown
Welsh Mountain P.1970
Father of mother
Revel Tattoo
Welsh Mountain P.
Clan Pip
Welsh Mountain P.1959
Clan Tony
Welsh Mountain P.1954
Llwyn Tinwen
Clan Prue
Welsh Mountain P.1955
Clan Dana
Tan-y-Bwlch Penllyn
Revel Toffee
Welsh Mountain P.1960
Revel Popcorn
Welsh Mountain P.1956
Criban Winston
Revel Peach
Brierwood Toffee
Wentworth Mentor
Barley Sugar
Twyford Twinkle