Warsaw ox
Arabian thoroughbred1939
Ofir 1933 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1933
Kuhailan Haifi 1923 DB
Arabian thoroughbred1923
Kuhailan Kharas db
Arabian thoroughbred
Kuhaila Haifi ox
Shueiman Sbah ox
Dziwa 1922 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1922
Abu Mlech 1902 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1902
Mlech I ox
Lania 1896 ox
Zulejma 1914 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1914
Kohejlan 1904 DB
Pomponia 1902 ox
Kasztelanka 1929 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1929
Koheilan VIII 1922 ox
Koheilan IV 1904 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1904
Koheilan II 1887 ox
O Bajan 1898 ox
10 Gazal 1910 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1910
Gazal 1898 ox
Scherife 1896 DB
Bialogrodka ox
Orjent ox
Arabian thoroughbred1894
Antar ox
Republika 1876 ox
Pojata ox
Arabian thoroughbred1899
Muzafer-Pasha ox
Elsissa III ox
Nahrawana ox
Arabian thoroughbred1936
Father of mother
Nahrawan ox
Arabian thoroughbred1926
Skowronek 1909 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1909
Ibrahim 1899 ox
Heijer 1889 DB
Lafitte (Falite)
Jaskolka 1891 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1891
Rhymnik ox
Epopeja ox
Nessima 1909 EAO
Rijm 1901 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1901
Mahruss II EAO
Rose of Sharon 1885 ox
Narghileh 1895 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1895
Mesaoud 1887 RAS
Nefisa 1885 ox
Haliah II ox
Haurram II ox
Arabian thoroughbred1912
Racid ox
Hadi DB
Rakeb ox
Hayde DB
Racbdar ox
Arabian thoroughbred1917
Rustnar ox
Rustem 1908 ox
Havila ox
Arabian thoroughbred1906
Maalek ox