Pomar ox
Arabian thoroughbred1971
Pohaniec 1965 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1965
Comet 1953 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1953
Abu Afas 1947 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1947
Bad Afas ox
Gahdar ox
Carmen ox
Arabian thoroughbred1942
Trypolis 1937 ox
Wilga ox
Planeta ox
Arabian thoroughbred1958
Nabor 1950 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1950
Negatiw 1945 ox
Lagodna ox
Pienoczka ox
Arabian thoroughbred1952
Pawodok ox
Naturalistka 1937 ox
Maritsa ox
Arabian thoroughbred1962
Arax 1952 ox
Amurath Sahib 1932 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1932
Amurath II ox
Sahiba ox
Angara ox
Wielki Szlem 1938 ox
Brda ox
Monopolia 1956 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1956
Priboj 1944 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1944
Piolun 1934 ox
Rissalma EAO
Mammona 1939 ox
Arabian thoroughbred1939
Ofir 1933 ox
Krucica ox
Shade of Blue ox STS
Arabian thoroughbred1980
Father of mother
Hadban Blue ox
Arabian thoroughbred1975
Dschaffar ox
Arabian thoroughbred1960
Hadban Enzahi 1952 EAO
Nazeer 1934 RAS
Kamla 1942 RAS
Haifa 1952 ox
Halef 1937 ox
Jena ox
Silver Sapphire ox
Arabian thoroughbred1967
Blue Domino ox
Rissalix EAO
Niseyra 1935 ox
Silver Velvet ox
Arabian thoroughbred1955
Ghailan ox
Saphire ox
Shade of Sana ox
Arabian thoroughbred
Rashid ox FA 34/70
Kariba ox
Yateemah ox
Zijadah ox
Arabian thoroughbred1963
Afifi ox
Tamaree ox
Shade of Dawn ox
Prokaznik ox
Knippel 1954 ox
Pankarta 1954 ox
Indian Shade ox
Arabian thoroughbred1961
Indian King ox
Dancing Shadow ox